After making design progress on the functionality of skipping and jumping between carriers, our next challenge was handling multiple insurance products from a single carrier. Within the Bold Penguin Terminal, agents choose which coverage types to include in their application. As they proceed to the carrier question sets, one carrier might offer multiple coverage types. For example, if Jane Smith wants General Liability and Workers' Compensation for her florist shop, a single carrier like Chubb might offer quotes for both types after she completes their question set.
The design challenge was deciding how to display multiple coverage types from one carrier in the Real-time eligibility panel panel (RTE). Should we show Chubb's General Liability and Workers' Compensation quotes in the same card or separate cards? While the decision was straightforward—multiple cards would take up too much vertical space—executing it elegantly was complex. Through trial and error and valuable team feedback, we created a clean, user-friendly solution that displayed multiple coverage types within a single carrier card.
We also explored using a bottom sheet card to display estimated annual premiums and price ranges for selected coverage types. While leadership liked this concept, we ultimately chose a different approach for showing pricing information.
As our design effort progressed, we decided to put the shopping cart feature on hold and allow users to purchase only one policy at a time. The happy path user flow emerged with these steps: Quote Presentation page, a detailed Product Page for final application edits, and Checkout for selecting payment plans and completing legal acknowledgments. During a feedback meeting, stakeholders informed us that payment information would not be collected within the Terminal. Instead, we would overlay an iframe on top of the checkout experience, allowing users to enter payment details on the carrier's portal. After payment processing, users would see a policy bound page displaying their policy number, agent contact information, and downloadable policy documents.Through subsequent meetings, I discovered that carriers with the Bind & pay feature would implement different checkout payment experiences. Homesite would use an iframe overlay for payment information, Markel would redirect to their carrier portal for payment collection, and Hiscox would offer an iframe with direct bill options for customer invoicing. We uncovered these details during feedback sessions with our carrier partners, gaining deeper insight into their payment collection processes. This meant our Bind & pay happy path would now include three distinct variations based on the carrier.
Since there were no major questions during our final feedback session, we were able to finalize the designs and add the project to our development backlog. We held one refinement meeting with our engineers to discuss the designs and address questions, with only minor changes made afterward. From a product standpoint, we needed to decide on the official feature name and what to call the PDF document by default. Working with the product owner, we changed the title from "Bold Penguin Application Summary" to "Bold Penguin Documents."