Throughout 2024, we focused primarily on major features, particularly the "Buy and Pay" effort that consumed most of Q3 and Q4. This left little time to maintain our existing design system. Fortunately, we welcomed a new associate product designer to our team.
We assigned the associate extensive design audit work in 2024, which served as an opportunity for him to learn our products, features, and design system thoroughly. I spent considerable time answering his questions and explaining the nuances within our design system that might not be immediately apparent in our patterns. As our team grew, I recognized we needed to better document our visual language philosophy so that anyone at the company could understand our design patterns without requiring direct consultation. Much of this knowledge resided with our lead product designer, and I worked closely with him to document these nuances.
In Q3, our three-person design team developed an improved system for implementing small design fixes with our product owners. The process was straightforward: we would show the existing UI alongside the proposed new UI, provide clear descriptions for developers, create tickets in Jira, and discuss them during refinement meetings with product owners. This streamlined system helped our product and design teams make frontend improvements more efficiently without requiring full design audits.